How the MAP formula works

When I share strategies, tactics, and tools on this blog, I’m going to do it from a perspective that I’ve recently designed called the “MAP” formula.  This is really important because I don’t want this blog to be a series of posts about me just giving advice and attempting to continually pontificate about how to live a more effective and meaningful life.  Rather, my intent is to share research and information, inspire, and add value by offering readers/clients clear frameworks and proven tools that help you move forward.  I’m sure that you love the feeling that comes from moving forward and growing in your business, relationships, health, etc…

So here is how MAP works.  The M represents our mindset, so tips/strategies related to M help us consider where our cognitive processes are and how our thoughts and mental frameworks will impact our situation.

The A refers to application.  In other words, how can we integrate and apply what we’ve learned and allow it to begin to take root in our everyday habits.  What will it look like?

Finally, the P represents the Production.  Once we get our mind wrapped around the concept (the M), better understand how we adopt & apply the principle (the A), then we’re ready to take action and produce (the P), the results and outcomes that we seek to achieve.

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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Have you disengaged your gratitude?

Have you disengaged your gratitude?

In our society, we are often programmed from a very young age to avoid talking to strangers. As we grow and mature, we begin to realize that not every unfamiliar person is a threat or danger to us. Despite this understanding, I often feel like it’s rather commonplace...

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