So what exactly is Resilience?

We hear this word all the time, especially now that the Corona Virus has impacted all of our lives in such profound ways.  Here is what Webster has to say about Resilience.

Resilience is: the capability to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc…

Do you ever feel like life is a journey filled with challenges and obstacles that pull, stretch, press, and bend you in a thousand different ways??  For the record, I’m RAISING BOTH HANDS on this one!!!

Maybe, you need to build resilience because you are experiencing:


A recent Job loss


Dealing with the personal loss of a friend, colleague, or family member


Picking up the pieces from a broken relationship


Feeling like you have 34 hours worth of things to do, but only 24 hours in the day to get it all done


Surviving the overwhelm & uncertainty associated with recent world events like the Corona virus and the resulting global economic crisis


Daily reminders of trauma, self-defeating thoughts and negative emotions that spring forth from a difficult and painful past

You are absolutely not alone!! And, you have the choice to decide what thoughts you believe about yourself. You can learn how to build deep, transformative resilience into your life. I’m here to tell you THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 100% possible. It takes some work and nobody will do it for you. BUT, You are so worth it!!

Resiliency coaching is one of the main focus areas of my coaching practice. I never would have survived all that I’ve endured in my own life…if I hadn’t developed the mindset, tools, and emotional framework of how to be resilient during troubled times.  If you click on and read through my write-up on the website called “Pain as my teacher”, you will learn many of the pain points of my own journey. Dealing with my father’s death to a drunk driver, overcoming my struggles with chronic social anxiety, surviving childhood trauma, and getting back up from a series of life-threatening illnesses and events took a toll on me. To share a few more things, I battled through being the head coach of the losingest college football team in America, and just last year had to confront a very aggressive eye disease that left me blind in my right eye and having to make a decision to undergo an extremely expensive and innovative surgery in Los Angeles. Resilience isn’t the only thing that brought me through these situations and many others, but it was certainly one of the cornerstones.

I look at many things in life through the lens of my sports background. In many aspects, building great resilience is like building a great defense in sports. A great defense might bend, but it will never break.

The late Bear Bryant once said, “Offense wins games, but defense wins championships.”

In the game of life, Resilience is your defensive framework for bouncing back from adversity and building a championship level life.

I can’t wait to journey with and walk alongside you as we move towards a more resilient and abundant life.

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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