Essential Building Blocks of Effective Goal Setting

In another section of the website called Barriers To Goal Setting, I talked about some of the more common reasons why some people may struggle to set goals. Now, it’s time to cover the building blocks of effective goal setting. First, it is important to realize that Not all Goals are created equal. It is so vital that we safeguard and invest in the process, otherwise our efforts can be doomed from the start!!

Be honest now. Are you expecting me to break down the S-M-A-R-T system that says goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based? I have nothing against the SMART model, but we’re going to dive deeper into this topic.


Write your goals down- This act will help carve them into your subconscious, and keep them in the forefront of your mind.


It is important for your goals to line up with your values and beliefs. When was the last time you put your goals into alignment?


When setting an effective goal, your thoughts and mindset should take priority over your focus on behavioral changes. So many people focus on behaviors first instead of working on their mindset.


Work on focusing your goals on what you’d like to gain rather than on what you’d like to lose. Try this positive framework approach and experience the difference it makes.


Connect your goal to your imagination by visualizing what it will be like when you achieve what you’ve set out to do. Going into the future can be fun and the multi-sensory experience can give you a great boost.


Make sure to set short-term, medium-range, and long-term goals. If you’re only in the habit of setting long-term goals, you can sometimes lose traction because the goal feels so far away. The goal may also feel too big. When this happens, overwhelm can dominate your mind and create a spirit of inertia.

I’m confident these tips will help you set and achieve goals in ways you’ve never experienced before.

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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