Come to terms with the idea that everyone deals with resistance. It shows it’s face every day. Resistance never takes a day off!
When battling this force, surround yourself with other positive people and build a community of support around you. There is power and hope in knowing that others are fighting similar battles and you can gain wisdom and perspective from others in your circle.
Recognize the most common ways resistance shows up for you & take steps to safeguard your habits and prioritize your steps forward.
Put your head down and lean into resistance. Fight it by doing your work! Resistance will acknowledge when it has been beaten for the day. The evidence that you are beating it comes in the production of your work. This happens because there is a great reduction in the amount of time you are giving headspace, attention to fear, self-doubt, rationalization, procrastination, self-loathing, etc… Don’t forget though, resistance is a daily visitor and will be back first thing in the morning.
Wrap your mind around the ideas that doing the work and being consistent are great weapons for defeating resistance.
Determine where resistance is seeping into your life, relationships, and business… and consider what your battle plan will look like in each of those areas. Make a list of people that you consider to be resources, as well as a support system in your daily battle to overcome resistance and reach your goals.
Talk to a friend or mentor today about how resistance shows up for you and how you aim to overcome it. Visualize where & when you will do your work today. Journal it, tape it to your fridge… and then DO it!