It’s Your time to serve

by | Apr 2, 2020

If you’ve ever thought of starting something, now could be the time. That may seem counter intuitive at the moment, but chances are…. there are people out there who are searching for guidance and expertise that is a unique part of your skill set. If this applies to you, get started and into the “Doing.”

Consider the “One day” VS. the “Day one” mindset!! The “One day” thinker says, “I will start something when I have the resources, when the conditions are ripe, when I learn more, when the stars line up.”

The “Day One” doer says, “I must share this with the world, there is no time better than the present, if I hold back… I’m robbing the world of my gifts, and implementation is more important than perfection.” It’s to be expected if it’s a messy start. Keep in mind it’s all about the learning.

I encourage you to make today “Day One.”  Begin offering the world what only you can give.



Your mindset might tell you that now is the worst time to begin work on your idea. In reality, so many people are out there hurting and looking for content that brings value and clarity to their lives. The world needs your contribution now more than ever.



What service can you provide? What is your circle of genius or the expertise that you can begin acting on today?



Reach out to an expert in the field that you desire to enter into. Experts and people who have been there before can be of great service to you. You can learn and benefit from the experiences of others. Success always leaves clues!

hey there!

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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