Gratitude Toward Oneself:

Using Self Care to Help Others

by | Aug 10, 2020

Today we will focus on some different ways that we can show gratitude toward ourselves. This can look quite a bit different for every person out there. The methods that we employ to be kind and gracious to ourselves are very subjective. One important thing to consider is that taking care of oneself is not a selfish act. In our society, guilt and shame are routinely cast upon those who get lots of sleep, people who take too many vacations, or those who get excessive massages or spa treatments. There are unwritten rules or scripts that often seem to oppose our desires to care for own well-being. These scripts, stories, and self-limiting beliefs need to be challenged.

Your ability to show up for others in a meaningful and effective way starts with how well you show up for yourself. Imagine you are traveling on a jet at 35,000 feet and there is a sudden loss of cabin pressure. The oxygen masks suddenly drop from the ceiling, and you are faced with a split-second decision that could ultimately impact your survival. As you look around and see others struggling, the temptation is there to help your fellow passengers before you take care of yourself. Suddenly, you think back to the safety briefing that was given before takeoff. The instructions clearly stated to secure your own mask and safety before assisting others. You ultimately decide to take care of yourself first and get the oxygen that you need. Now, you are more adequately prepared and ready to assist others. In many ways, this scenario mirrors the battles we encounter in our lives on a regular basis. Is it more honorable to care for ourselves or others first? Choosing ourselves first often runs counterintuitive to how we’ve been conditioned. Each situation is unique and different, so it is essential to reflect on how an energized and empowered you might ultimately impact yourself as well as the people you love and serve.

I know many of you love a great challenge, so I’ve included one in this second segment of our series on gratitude. Below you will find 12 ideas for practicing self-gratitude. There are four gratitude ideas listed in the categories of physical, mental, and emotional. For the challenge, I want you to select one idea from each category. After you’ve selected something from each category, write down 2 sentences that explain how you will implement that principle into your daily routine over the course of the next 7 days. Include the approximate time and location that you plan on practicing each of the principles for each day of the week. Let the challenge begin!



Commit to 5-10 minutes of daily meditation

Spend 10 minutes reading a book or magazine that you enjoy

Focus for 5 minutes on visualizing/imagining the steps you will take towards your goals for that day

Commit 5-10 minutes to doing a daily devotional or prayer 



Eat cleaner with more fruits and veggies

Go for a 30 minute walk and spend time getting some vitamin D

Take a 20 minute power nap

Set aside money in your budget to treat yourself



Spend time processing each day through journalling

Do a digital detox

Get dressed up 

Speak with a coach who can walk alongside you as you pursue your goals (*wink*)

hey there!

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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