Changing the World One Kind Act At A Time

by | Aug 20, 2020

As an adult, I find myself continually going back and meditating on the words and wisdom that my grandfather used to share with me. He’s been gone for close to twenty years now, but his reflections and axioms on how to live a great life still resonate deep within me. He often focused on the importance of being kind and treating others with respect. One of the things he loved to say was that kind acts have the ability to change the world. Specifically, he often pointed out to me that expressing thanks to others and being kind essentially costs us nothing. It is inexpensive to lift others up and the positive energy we share can be contagious. Imagine if what you put out there everyday went viral… only not in a Covid sort of way!! Our president would likely say the impact would be “HUGE.”

Now that we’ve established the ripple effect that demonstrating gratitude towards others can have, it’s time to zero in on some ideas for making this a reality. One idea that I began putting into practice early on in the pandemic involved reaching out to three people on a daily basis. From my list of contacts, I choose three people every morning, and I simply send out a Facebook message or text that is just a couple of lines long. I say hello, let them know I’m thinking of them and I appreciate their friendship. I conclude the message by asking something along the lines of “how are you holding up during these challenging times?” I don’t do this for business purposes, but rather to encourage others and connect with them in a more personal way. Sometimes, my communication goes unanswered. When this happens, I check my motives and remind myself that I’m doing this for others and not for what it might give me. Most people do get back to me and many more share from the heart how they are feeling and how life is going. Check out the list below of some additional ways that you can begin implementing actions that show those close to you that you care.


Go out of your way to express thanks with a note, letter, or compliment.


Cook them a meal.


A spontaneous hug.


Take a short video of yourself telling them why/how much you love them.


Be an intentional listener when they speak (Listen to understand as opposed to listening to reply).


Ask them if they are working on any goals that you might be able to help them achieve.


Send an unexpected card.


Give them a thoughtful gift.


Spend time with them doing something that they enjoy.


Do chores on their “To do” list that they are dreading.



Treat them to coffee or a meal.



Brag about their victories to others.

These ideas are only the tip of the iceberg, but they are surely enough to get you started. Challenge yourself to select one or two ideas and immediately begin spreading love and appreciation into the universe. Your simple acts of selflessness will ensure that the world will never be the same.



Fixate your mindset on the principle of “what’s in it for them?”



Consider taking 3-5 minutes to write down ten ways that expressing care and engaging in actions of gratitude will add value to the world.



Create a “gratitude towards others” calendar for the next seven days. Choose one kind act that you intend to implement on a daily basis towards someone you love during the upcoming week.

hey there!

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I'm Eric Slivoskey

I’m a small-town North Dakota writer, podcaster, personal development coach, stand-up comic, and educator who loves serving others, casting vision and taking action. I’m slightly obsessed with world travel, avocados, big dogs and coffee.

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